Happy St. Patrick's Day
May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, May the rains fall soft upon your fields, And, until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of His hand. |
(Traditional Irish Blessing; origin unknown, although some attribute it to St. Patrick.) |

Happy St.Paddy's Day to you too!
Ohhhhh, Adrienne....I'm not a fan of corned beef and cabbage (smack, smack) but yours definitely look yummy. Have a great St. Patty's day. Sincerely, Susan
Same to you, Lee Laurie...
Susan - thanks but the picture is "swiped" (which is a nice word for stolen)
I love corn beef and cabbage. My Mom called it "boiled dinner." She added parsnips and rutabagas to the traditional carrots and potatoes.
I don't care for the smell in the house so I cook it in the slow cooker on the deck. Alas and alack - no boiled dinner today. Sigh...
The CB&C looks so good, but DH does not like it so I quit making it.
Happy St. Paddy's day to you:)
can I come over for dinner?
I think good Ole St. Patrick was Italian.
So we had Spagetti for St. Patty's Day.
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