Friday, December 31, 2010

The obligatory "it's my birthday - hoping for a gazillion people to line up to wish me well" post...

even one or two would be nice...

To my loyal readers and blogger buddies extraordinaire, I wish you a safe and fun New Year's Eve.  Each of you has brightened my life and inspired me...

I'm headed out to a wonderful birthday lunch and perhaps a few bookstores. See you next year...


Adrienne Shubin said...

Happy Birthday, Adrienne!

I hope your day is filled with wonderful delights.

Oh, and Happy New Year too!


Anonymous said...

Happy, happy birthday! I wish you a wonderful year!

La Vie Quotidienne said...

Happy Father's birthday was on New Years Day. I hope that you have a wonderful celebration for both events. Lovely feline friends...they seem to enjoy the treadmill more than you do.(-:

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Happy Birthday!!!!
Hope you have a healthy, prosperous and Happy New year !!

Adrienne said...

Adrienne - thank you, thank you.

P.S. Coco would make a nice birthday gift. Just sayn'...

Adrienne said...

Thanks, thissideofgaudy. You win the award for the best name, evah

Adrienne said...

Adrienne - all the best folks are born on New Year's Eve (except for those that aren't)

Happy New Year

Adrienne said...

Thank you, Glenda. Stay safe tonight...

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness -- I'm 38 minutes late, aren't I? Happy belated birthday, my dear friend! God bless you ALL YEAR LONG!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Adrienne!! Sorry I'm late. I was buried under Christmas crap, I mean stuff. lol. I hope you had a wonderful lunch. Oh, and Happy New Year!!! Hugs, Rosie

Vicki said...

Love your blog and especially the cat photos! Too cute!

Roz said...

Happy Be-lated Birthday, Adrienne! I really do follow along all of your posts, but have been missing in action for some time due to the emergency surgery and health crises of my father who now lives with us. I wish you most blessed new year and hope your birthday was filled with Christ's joy! Blessings, Roz