Trying to Take My Own Advice
Since I’ve got the closet and bathroom thing all handled, it was time to change the next thing. Except this time I’m actually working on two things at once – Picasa and LiveWriter. Right now, Picasa has me flummoxed. I’ve always done fairly well with my Kodak program and Picasa seems like a ton of work. My PhotoShop program is a complete mystery that has yet to be unlocked. LiveWriter is proving to be fun and I’ll keep working on it.
The biggest change we’ve made around here is the way we eat. I’ve become a big fan of "Let’s Do Lunch." It’s a simple, natural, and healthy way to eat. Perfect for the whole family. Saundra over at An Italian Mama Gone Crazy has started a new blog based on the Let’s Do Lunch plan. It’s called Let’s Eat! And Lose Weight. Saundra shares recipes and hints for eating in this healthy way. Bonus: you lose weight!!!
Visit the Let’s Do Lunch website to get a better idea of how it works. I caution you to not do this without buying the book. The book is deceptively small and at first I tried to do this without the book. Not a good idea. The book is available on Amazon. Skip the recipe cards on the website. You can get all the recipe help you need from Saundra or the "Let's Do Lunch" forum.
The basics:
- Eat some fruit every day
- don't be afraid of good carbs like beans and corn
- be very afraid of bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes
- have fruit for breakfast
- eat your main protein meal for lunch
- dinner is fruit, a light soup, salad
Bonus: You get to eat popcorn!!!

Sounds very interesting, Adrienne. Curious as to what LiveWriter is. Hope your day is good. Sincerely, Susan at
Check out the Glycemic Index. Not all breads, pastas, etc are bad. Whole grains - REAL whole grains - are very healthy.
I have to eat popcorn? FORGET IT! ick gag ack.
good luck with your changes! keep at it.
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